The word 'yoga' is derived from the Vedic Sanskrit root word 'yuj', which means 'to unite', or 'to join'.
Yoga may have begun earlier than the sixth or 7th century BC but most believe it began in the Vedic period (1700-500 BC).
In the Preclassical era (500-200 BC) yoga appeared in texts.
In the Classicial era (200 BC - to 500 CE) Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism included yoga practices.
In the Middle Ages (500-1500 CE) Hatha Yoga was developed.
In the mid-1800s yoga began to gain interest in the west.
A yogi is a male person who practices yoga.
A yogini is a female person who practices yoga.
The main types of yoga are Raja yoga and Hatha yoga, but many new forms have been developed as it grew in popularity in the western world.
Yoga has increased in popularity so much that there are now more than 100 different practices today, most of which have developed from the early principles of yoga.
Yoga teaches that there are seven chakras (energy centers) in the body. These eight chakras include sahasrara (crown chakra), anja (third eye chakra), vishudda (throat chakra), anahata (heart chakra), manipura (naval chakra), svadhisthana (pelvic or sacral chakra), and mooladhara (root chakra).
In Hindu mythology the yoga teacher was Lord Shiva. He is also referred to as Adi Guru.
Hot yoga and Bikram yoga have been accuses of stealing poses from Hatha.
Some people believe that hot yoga is actually dangerous as it damages protein in the body.
Yoga is believed to help keep joints healthy and can provide relief from arthritis.
Some people believe that yoga can actually boost the immune system.
Yoga may help people with sleep disorders to get a better sleep.
A new form of yoga emerged in 2002 in New York. It is called Doga, and involves pets and their owners practicing a form of yoga.
In Ashtanga Yoga there are considered to be eight 'limbs' which include Yama (five 'rules' including non-violence, honesty, non-stealing, fidelity, and non-possessiveness), Niyama (five observances including purity, acceptance, meditation, self-reflection, contemplation of supreme being(, Asana (seated position for meditation), Pranayama (suspending breath), Pratyahara (abstraction), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (liberation).
Yoga may have potential health benefits for helping to treat or lessen depression, stress, hypertension, heart issues, diabetes, back pain, stomach problems, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma, and bronchitis.
Yoga can increase flexibility, help in detoxification, increase weight loss, and improve physical fitness.